Through our decades of experience managing varying aspects of the industry, our team is a well-positioned to guide, direct and mold firms into transformation.
― Suzanne F. Stantley

Transforming Organizations’ Operations and Leadership Strategies (TOOLS) is a business management approach that equips clients with industry best practices solutions to achieve operational excellence, sustainable performance and scalable growth.
The need for skilled, capable diverse construction firms has increased enormously as more projects are planned or underway across America. Many of these projects have inclusion goals providing unprecedented opportunities for M/D/W/VBE firms who have the capacity to successfully submit, bid, win, and execute the requirements of the contract.
Historically, several factors have hampered the growth of the businesses targeted by TOOLS.
Using our multi-faceted approach, TOOLS is available to aid your municipality, agency or prime firm deliver a pool of capable, well-trained businesses to join your team.
The TOOLS approach is designed to help your organization fulfill your diversity inclusion goals. Through TOOLS, participating firms will be given the knowledge and skills to successfully bid, win and execute!!

Access to Contract Opportunities



